Linda (a kid aged 4 years), Maya (a female adolescents aged 15 years), Jeni (a woman has experienced menopause aged 60 years), and Lena (a woman of Diabetes) experience redness, itching, itchy, uncomfortable feeling after a small waste water on the skin around the genitalnya, and spent quite a lot of mucus. What actually happened?
A. Protection of normal
In the normal circumstances, the skin area genitalia women (vaginal) have some protection protection, among others:
1. skin vaginal area coated by a thick layer epitel. Layer thickness epitel this can make the disease germs to penetrate to the interior of the vagina. Level epitel layer thickness is influenced by the degree esterogen hormone in the body.
2. the mucus layer of the white / transparent, thick, and does not smell. This mucus layer covering a layer of vaginal epitel and protect the vaginal area from harmful bacteria. Normally mucus produced as much as 1-4 ml.
In the circumstances, the number, thickness, color, smell and mucus can be changed. When a woman in menstruasi period, pregnancy, or using a contraceptive pill, and the amount of mucus will increase in thickness. However, in addition to the circumstances, changes in mucus layer can indicate the occurrence of disease.
3. The state of acid (low pH range between 4 - 4.5) around the vagina. Circumstances this will kill the acid and prevent growth of harmful bacteria. Along with increasing age and the presence of disease in the vaginal area, so the pH will increase vaginal area becomes more vulnerable to bacteria.
4. Hair genitalia begin to grow when a woman aged youth protection is also helping.
B. What is Vulvovaginitis?
Although we often hear the word vagina, skin terluar actual area of the vulva is the female genitalia. At the vulva in the vagina then there is.
Vulvovaginitis is the irritation / inflamasi on the skin vagina and vulva area. This irritation can cause
- Itch-itch (45-58%) in the area around mayora labia (lips of vagina), labia minor (small lip vagina), and perineal area (area perbatsan between the vagina and anus)
- Redness and feeling like a burn on the skin (82%)
- Does not feel comfortable on the skin, especially at the time or after a small waste water
- The number of mucus out of the vagina (62-92%)
- Hemorrhage (5-10%).
The five signs of this phenomenon is that most often appear on vulvovaginitis. Vulvovaginitis is a disease that most often femininity occurs.
C. What causes vulvovaginitis?
Because of the normal protection system is strong, it is not easy for germs and bacteria can cause disease in the area around the vagina and vulva. However, interference from one of the defense can cause us to be more vulnerable affected vulvovaginitis.
Disorders that can be:
(a) infection by bakteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and other due to lack of awareness of good hygiene to keep vulva and vagina also by other infectious diseases.
(b) The use of chemicals that are on the bath soap, perfume, and the other used the vulva and vagina. This can mengaibatkan irritation around the network and can be exposed to facilitate vulvovaginitis.
(c) day-to-day habits such as the use of wet clothes, some in too tight pants, shorts or less clean, and clean habits postwar CHAPTER anus that is not appropriate.
D. Who is more susceptible to vulvovaginitis?
Vulvovaginitis can be experienced by all women in all ages. However, some conditions can cause a person more vulnerable:
1. children under five and women before the children because skin vulva and vagina is thin and can not manage hygiene themselves well.
2. on women who have undergone menopause.
3. on women who often experience infection venereal disease
4. women in the diabetes mellitus patients
5. Contraceptive users in the oral (taken contraceptives or swallowed) and long-term antibiotic
6. people who have experienced interference immunity
E. Changes in behavior that is required
Use of antibiotics and other drugs are sometimes needed to treat vulvovaginitis. Therefore, you should contact your doctor for further examination. However, changes in behavior are also needed. When this happens on a small child, the mother must assist children in changing attitudes and melatihnya to get away.
- Use a clean shorts, not tight, and dry
Should dibiasakan to replace the pants in at least 2x a day.
- Cleaning oneself after going to the toilet and defecate.
Clean up after themselves defecate should be done from the front to the back and can not be otherwise. The movement will cause kumna gathered from around the anus and vagina facilitate infection.
- Bathroom
Bathroom at least 2x a day. Avoid use of soap and perfume in the bathroom to clean the vulva and vagina. If a daughter you are experiencing vulvovaginitis, Shower more often (3x a day).
- After the bath
Do not rub too hard the valgina.
- Do not use a tampon berparfum
- Using condoms to prevent transmission of disease through sex.
1. Eckert, Linda O. Acute Vulvovaginitis. The new england journal medicine o f. 2006; 355:1244-52.
2. Stricker T, Navratil F, Sennhauser F H. Vulvovaginitis in prepubertal girls. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2003; 88:324-326
3. Vandeven, Andrea M. and S. Emans Jean. Vulvovaginitis in the Child and Adolescent. Pediatrics in Review Vol 14 No. April 4, 1993
4. Manohara Joishy, Chetan Sandeep Ashtekar, Arpana Jain, Rohini Gonsalves and. Do we need to treat vulvovaginitis in prepubertal girls? BMJ 2005; 330:186-188.
5. Audra, Robertson. Vulvovaginitis. Last Update Date: 9/19/2006 []
6. Johnstone, Joley. Vulvovaginitis. Last review: August 28, 2007. [ / HealthAZ / Vulvovaginitis.aspx]
7. Tirumani, Anuritha. Vulvovaginitis. Last Updated: Oct 17, 2006. []
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